Friday 27 October 2023


 Used to be a treat/cheap takeaway meal for the kids. We have stopped at Maccas for a rest break and meal while travelling, their toilets are always clean.

We were out this morning and had coffee at the beach.

Couple of the headlands that we walked up and along.

Lucy enjoying the beach, not hesitation these days about the waves and water.
We also went for a couple of short walks, it was an hours drive home. I suggested to Warren that we grab Maccas for lunch, it was already 12.30. 

Probably not noticed that much before but two meal deals, so burger, chips and a drink was $15plus each. Going back in time now but I remember getting a Hawaiian pack for each of us, five for just under $20. Hawaiian pack was quarter of a chicken, chips and a pineapple fritter.

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