Friday 13 October 2023

Horne Island

 This was an island I did not know even existed. Off to the east of Thursday island, it boasted an airport, where over a thousand planes flew to and from every week. When I heard the tour guide say that, I was thinking a year, yeah about right that three to four a day but the number was every week!

It's a little round blog on a map, 575 people living there as per the 2021 census.

Our bus crew caught the ferry over from Thursday and four of us that were doing the extra day were taken to our resort, the others transported to the airport. There was a rather inviting pool but we stayed in the air conditioned room, it was hot at 32.

Next morning we had a visit to the local museum that was attached to the resort and then a tour of the island taking in the military spots.

During WW2, the island had housed 5000 soldiers and 9 nurses.

Warren and I walked to the jetty and visited the supermarket and cafe.

I liked the white bark trees

An unusual sign that it not seen on the main land

One of the guns and shells. Gun has been restored, during the wet which starts end of Oct, it is encased in heavy plastic. The shell had been made from wood and painted to look the real deal.

Pretty hibiscus that are around.

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