Sunday 15 October 2023


 Smallish plane from Horne island to Cairns, holding about a hundred passengers. We were met by the tour company and delivered back to the Hilton. Dinner was not included that night but breakfast the following was the final of our trip.

We had had a recommendation of a Thai cafe not far from the hotel so after we booked in, we set out to find it. Not far away and we saw a lineup yep, it was for the cafe that we were wanting. All tables were full and about thirty people waiting, we moved on and discovered the night market.

Clothes and souvenirs one end but food the other, cheap and cheerful and we shared a plate of Thai food there. We had seen an ice-cream place on the way so didn't want to indulge too much. 

Many of the trees had little lights on them

Kids in school uniform even though it was 6.30pm, school had returned that day. Very holiday/festival mood for a weeknight in October.

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