Saturday 7 October 2023

Drumroll! It's tip day.

 The day we go right to the top or tip of Australia. Still 30kms from Seisia or an hours travel due to the rough roads.

Breakfast was a little early at 6.45am, leaving at 7.45, Mark had given us a pep talk the night before, saying that it would not be easy to get all the way but to be considerate and help each other.

A few vehicles already packed but no one around.

On zoom, one of our party on the way up.

500metres up and down on rocky ground.
I went up about 60 metres on the rocks and decided that was enough for me.

I got a chair out of the truck and watched the beach with another of our crew who didn't attempt it. Twenty three went up, took them ninety minutes. There were some red faces when they got down again from sunburn and excursion. 

Another shot of the terrain 

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