Monday 28 February 2022

Knitted squares

 Last time I was at the opp shop, I saw a bundle of knitted squares, not my thing so I passed over them to pick up a couple of other packs of wool. 

Then I went back as I was concerned that they would end up in landfill. They cost me $3 and there were 43 squares about 4 inches square.

I decided to put a border on them, one to make them bigger and two the joining stitches would be better hidden.  Each one ended up over 5 inches and I did six by seven, using all but one. The challenge was tk complete it this month. I did and also finished the c2c one that I was working on as well.

Saturday 26 February 2022

My temperature blanket

 I have seen several of these over the years in various ways. Mostly done as one row for each day and each temperature having its own colour. That means 365 rows and about fifteen colours. I didnt want anything like that so I came up with my own plan. 

I have five different colours for the temps. 10 to 14 is light blue 15 to 19 is a darker blue, 20 to 24 is green, 25 to 29 is yellow 30 plus is red. Grey is for the surround colour and a solid grey for the start if the months with no dates.

Each square is 3.5 inches wide and it will be two months wide so seventy inches. It will make two blankets, one from January to  June and the other from July to December.

First month.

I have numbers for the blanks to read 2022. First day was green as it was cool but I didnt like that colour so will redo that one. Feb is almost done.

Rain and more rain.

 No tennis on Wednesday because of rain, Thursday we were at the airport driving through rain to get there, no walks for Lucy, much to her disgust.

Rain all day yesterday, Friday again no walks for Lucy. Shes still keen on going for a walk but has trouble going outside for a wee because its so wet.

Parkrun was cancelled because of the rain, the path is flooded and there is a tree across the track. Sitting having breakfast and the noise of the rain just went up a  notch.

One hundred and thirty eight road closures within our region even the Bruce Highway, the south bound lanes are closed for 24 hours. Dont remember that ever happening before. Its probably only 30kms up the road from us.

Our back patio, the lawn is so wet that it is running onto the concrete.

Poor Lucy has to go out on that for a pee, even under the eaves, the ground is wet.

A day for inside, netflix and crochetting, certainly not going anywhere.

Friday 18 February 2022

Sausage rolls

 A few weeks ago I felt like a sausage roll but I dont like bought ones.

Bought some sheet pasty, I had mjnce and vegetables. Blitzed zucchini, carrots and a couple of potatoes added 500 gms of mince which kind of got lost in the vege.

We had some for lunch but not real nice. I froze the rest. Too many vegetables and too little taste.

Today, I tried again as sausages rolls used to be my go to thing. Anytime I had to take a plate somewhere, I would make sausage rolls.

No vegetables today and instead of making a whole batch, I only used one sheet of pasty.

A beauty of the air fryer, it doesnt heat up the kitchen and although I can use three trays at a time, one cooks just fine.

Pork mince some cubed bacon and a couple of spoonfuls of pesto.


Wednesday 16 February 2022

Chinese New Year

 Or Spring Festival. The library had little paper tigers to make when I went to crocheting.

I didnt do one but I did take a photo.

It is now the year of the tiger.

I decided to make a dish for dinner as a nod to the New Year.

My favourite dish when we were living in China was qiezi or eggplant and I just happened to have some in the fridge. I did get shown how to make it my one of my students grandmothers. She didnt speak English but she cooked it while I watched, she showed everything she put in and put in under my nose so I could also smell it. 

Eggplant does take a while to cook but then it goes very soft. They only use about a tablespoon of meat for flavour, I used a lot more and added noodles instead of rice but the flavors were there.

Sunday 13 February 2022

Latest toys

 Warren picked out a lamb for me to make. Bigger than I have been doing. I was going to redo the head but Warren told me that some kid will love it, I hope so.

His head is wonky and his hind legs are too long, I think. The fluffy wool is easy to make up, I thought it would be hard to see.

I made this one while at the cricheting group, an easy make with little thought needed.

Latest haul

 Saturday crocheting started again and there were eight of us in tge end. We were told that the room at the library where we were meeting could only have seven people at one tine sk three ladies went out into another area.

This is what I brought home to be packed up and delivered to a community centre which I dropped off in Monday. One lady knits kids jumpers, she had made twelve over the holidays.

Saturday 5 February 2022


 An Aussie pajr are in the winter olympics "playing" curling. I know what it is and have seen snippets of it before but have never seen a whole game.

Good grief, its almost like watching paint dry! I still watched to the end though!

I grew up with my grandfather, who was living with us at the time, playing lawn bowls then my dad and after a few years my mum all played lawn bowls and I could see similarities.

Had to google curling and the stones or rocks are between 17 and 19 kilos, thats heavy! As far as I know the maximum weight a female can lift is 15kgs, of course most can and do lift more but legally 15 kgs is the limit.

The stones are not lifted just pushed. They sweep the ice to encourage the stone to go the way they want it to go. I was surprised to see that the opposite team members can step in and sweep so the stone may continue out the back.

We were playing against Great Britain and the score was eight all after eight ends so they had to play another end and we lost in the end.

Wednesday 2 February 2022

Dog bed

 Lucy has a couple of dedicated spots in the house where she sleeps. A mat on the carpet in the dining room, Warren's cane chair once her towel is over it, the sofa in the lounge and finally a blanket in our room at the bottom of the bed, on the floor.

One time after we had been away in the camper, she decided that she would sleep in our room so we bought a blanket that folded in half. She usually starts off in there and during the night she wanders off either to her chair or the sofa.

Her blanket is usually straightened when we make our  bed, if its not straight she wont sleep on it. Cant remember who made the bed today and her bed wasnt done so she made a point of not sleeping on it.

Warren mumbled about not pampering to a dog and so she slept off to the side.