Saturday 4 December 2021

Save the dignity bags

 I dropped two handbags off last week at Bunnings. They are the collection point for the bags. The point of STD bags is for women who have left home because of domestic violence. 

Thinking about what a woman may have in their bags. Every thing needs to ve new and unopened. 

I put in deo, tooth brush and tooth paste, hand cream, lipstick, hand sanitiser, soap, tissues pen and small book, hair brush and small towel. 

I used to do Operation Shoeboxes for kids to be sent overseas but as well as what was in the boxes and a lit can fit into a shoebox, $10 for postage was expected to go with them.

The bags are used locally which I liked, help for our own.

I have started next years collection might do five. I bought two bags from op shops tk use but one wasnt big enough so I repurposed a backpack bag that I bought myself but hadnt used. Nice idea but not me.

When I took the bags to Bunnings, they had a big crate about 2 metres square and it was half full. 

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