Friday 31 December 2021

Toy making.

 Since finishing crochet classes at U3A for the year, I have been making toys. Am ambulance centre far north have requested toys similar to trauma teddys. As we are travelling close by in April, I have offered to take what ever a crochet group that I belong to, can make between now and then. 

I stopped making blankets and now on to

This is what I have made so far. 

soft toys.

Monday 27 December 2021

Our Simple Christmas fare

 Warren said he only wanted ham and salad for Christmas lunch, suited me fine.

This was actually left overs on Boxing day but it was the same except the mince pie which we didnt have in Christmas day. It was a coleslaw which didnt look very appealing. I had made it in the thermo and added mushrooms, blitzed it a bit too much. Luckily it tasted okay. The other salad was a Jamie Oliver one consisting ot sweet corn, cucumber, tomato and crispy bacon. I forgot to buy tomatoes when I went shopping so no tomatoes.

We did have a hot meal at night, a small stuffed turkey roll and roast vegetables.

No cooking for me on Boxing day as we ate left overs. 

Sunday 26 December 2021

My Christmas Present.

 We did do presents at our early Christmas day lunch but Warren and I saved our gifts to each other until the actual Christmas Day.

He wanted a new phone as his phone had been playing up a bit and we had bought it a couple of months ago when it was available as it was the last one that they had and didnt know if or when they would get more. 

Even though we bought it back in October, he choose not to use it until Christmas. 

This was my gift, a box of 25 books in the mystery/thriller genre, one is an Agatha Christie that I have read but the rest I havent read. The wool is a pack of a CAL, which means crochet along but I just liked the colours of them. Its called a harbour pack, colours apparently from what colours one would see at a harbour. 

Friday 24 December 2021

Wall of Wisteria.

 I had a return to make at the library yesterday. Warren was driving and he parked in a different area to where I park when I go.

Which meant that I saw this on the one of the walls of the library building. Although I drive past it, I am concentrating on the road and not noticed it before.

Very nice and cool looking.

Wednesday 22 December 2021

Early Christmas

 We often have Christmas early to fit in with other family members and their commitments.

We were invited and asked to bring some drinks and salads, too easy.

Lunch was all seafood with some ham, very fitting for summer.

A nibbles tray with drinks was served first.

Unfortunately I didnt take a photo of the main course or dessert which was a cheesecake, made by the kidults.

Thursday 16 December 2021

Painted water towers

 These are becoming very popular around the state, possibly around the country. There are already lots of painted silos and we have seen a few and there are even tours that people can take to visit the silos, not sure about thr water towers.

On an adventure lab that we are doing, there are five water towers to visit and answer a question about, earlier in the year, we visited the one thats closest to home and on Friday when we visited the beach, we discovered two more so only two to go.

I could only fit about half in the photo.

Wednesday 15 December 2021

Tiny flower

 We were out on Friday and in a couple of places we saw these tiny pretty flowers.

No idea what they are but they were pretty much the same size, not growing any bigger. Maybe it was because of recent rains but I hadnt seen them before.

 Photo is a little blurry.

These were outside a miniature train line but not working that day.

Friday 10 December 2021


 Yippee! We found a place to take our knitted and crocheted items. I had offered to ring around and some places didnt want them due to current weather or having enough at the moment.

One local community said yes, they use blankets tea towels and kids jumpers. 

I have joined a group that meet on Saturdays once a month I have been to three meetings and as I seem to be the one who lives closest I offered to count and deliver the items.

When we donated through the charity that has now closed, everything had to be counted because they were a registered charity. I suggested continuing on with the counting of items as the library where we meet may end up charging us rent. I figure that if we can prove we are doing something for the community and have the figures to back it up then we may avoid paying rent.

There were 14 blankets, 1 adult jumper, 8 kids jumpers, 6 scarves and 6 beanies. Not a bad haul from a group going three months, Saturday there were twelve of us.

Wednesday 8 December 2021


 I saw a cute picture of penguins somewhere as a dish for Christmas. Using olives cream cheese and carrots.

I added cream cheese and large olives to the shopping list.

I have two morning teas to take a small plate just the ticket I thought,

I practised at home.

Fail, the big olives are green with the stones in, the other black ones are not big enough.

My dismal penguins. Supposed to cut one in half and fill with cream cheese, a thin round of carrot with a wedge cut out, thats the feet. One olive on top with the wedge of carrot for the nose, then a toothpick through gead and body.

As you can see I managed one. I blame the olives!

Tuesday 7 December 2021

Smoke Alarms

 New ones put in today, they are deafening!

Six of them whereas we only had two battery ones before.

One in the passageway alongside of the sunlight.

The one in the study, these are naybe two metres away from each other. Same with our bedroom and hallway.

Monday 6 December 2021


 Pretty common vegetable I would have thought, its one that features fairly regularly on our menu.

Today, I had to pick up a couple of grocery items, mainly dry dog food for Lucy and so I grabbed a few other things as well.

One being a humble half a cauli. A young girl was on the check out, she looked about sixteen and she put the groceries through and packed them in the trolley quite neatly, one of the last was the cauliflower, she picked it up, looked at it then grabbed her cheat sheet for the price of vegetables then asked me what it was.

When I told her, she said that she thought that was what it was but I dont think she did. Well they say you learn something new every day, now she knows what a cauliflower looks like. 

Saturday 4 December 2021

Save the dignity bags

 I dropped two handbags off last week at Bunnings. They are the collection point for the bags. The point of STD bags is for women who have left home because of domestic violence. 

Thinking about what a woman may have in their bags. Every thing needs to ve new and unopened. 

I put in deo, tooth brush and tooth paste, hand cream, lipstick, hand sanitiser, soap, tissues pen and small book, hair brush and small towel. 

I used to do Operation Shoeboxes for kids to be sent overseas but as well as what was in the boxes and a lit can fit into a shoebox, $10 for postage was expected to go with them.

The bags are used locally which I liked, help for our own.

I have started next years collection might do five. I bought two bags from op shops tk use but one wasnt big enough so I repurposed a backpack bag that I bought myself but hadnt used. Nice idea but not me.

When I took the bags to Bunnings, they had a big crate about 2 metres square and it was half full. 

Thursday 2 December 2021

Childs jumper

 Not much crocheting got done during November but I did make this.

A very simple granny square jumper. One of the ladies at crochet makes adult ones and even with a hood. No real pattern just a granny square, front and back and a smaller one for each sleeve. As the charity I was making things for, has closed, I offered to talk to community groups in regards to donations.

It seems that they want blankets and kids things including toys, so during summer I will be concentrating on smaller projects such as this and the dolls that I made before.

December finally

 Nanowrimo was a slog this year. I wrote or at least sat at the computer for about three hours each day for the month of November. I did take some time off and only wrote two or three hundred words on those days.

I finished on 30 November with 50, 299 words written.