Saturday 4 January 2020


Yesterday we had free tickets to the tennis. Tickets include free public transport. Our train got in at Roma street where we needed to change trains and platforms with only five minutes to wait, then it was an easy walk to the tennis centre. All good. 

Warren was staying on so I left about 2pm, it was hot and I knew it would take me about an hour and a half to get home.

I hadn't bother to check the timetable as two lines come in, both heading to the city about fifteen minutes apart so most I would need to wait.plenty of room in shade.

I had taken my tablet to read a book but I didnt get it out for the first short trip. Again I had to change platforms but from the monitor, I had three minutes. The escalator was going the right way, halfway up another passenger says the train is here, hurry. Wow, a quick three minutes, I hurried to the open door with the conductor about to blow her whistle. Got out my book and it was announced Milton, what? Maybe a new station, next Auchenflower, oh shit, I was on the wrong train, not sure what line but it wasn't my train home. Got out and went to find a train going to the city. Phew, only five minutes away. No harm done.

Got on the right train and three stops later, an announcement was made that the train would terminate at the next stop. No shade on the platform and it was a twenty minute wait for the next one. Not happy Jane.

Trip took me two hous and twenty minutes and the car was really hot when I got in it. We have a windshield thing and did put it in the car a few weeks ago but of course we havent go used to actually using it yet.

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