Thursday 2 January 2020

New Years Eve at the beach

We wandered over to the beach front again and while walking, we couldn't go where we wanted to go. I spied a cafe and while it was a bit early for lunch or even morning tea anytime is coffee time.

After I gave the order the girl asked my name and I said Vicki, and she came back and agreed that the payment machine could be finky, not a word I would use and realised she didnt hear me properly. Her offsider gave her a hard time of it and we all had a laugh.

There was a big order just before mine so I was expecting a wait. Seating was outside and they had a big doggie bowl of water but of course Lucy never drinks when we are out but we showed it to her.

Looking around the cafe, I realised it had been a shipping container.
It was nicely done and seats under canopies with a playground alongside.

1 comment:

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