Wednesday 15 January 2020

A yak day.

Make that a kayak day which we had yesterday. Half an hour from home is a cache on a shelly outcrop up a tree. We were kayaking there a few months ago and had just loaded the kayaks after a paddle when my phone dinged to say there was a new cache. We had been within 400 metres of it but certainly weren't going to unload and paddle out there again as we had already paddled a couple of kms.  It was put on the back burner for awhile.

Last school holidays we had a plan in place to go and get it, however the sea was rough and so it was shelved again.

Great day yesterday for getting out of the water, Warren checked the tides and yep we could get out there and the tide would hopefully help us back.
Mine is the purple one off to the left.
We only had 1200m to paddle except 200 metres out the wind came up and we weren't going anywhere or least not in the right direction. 
We had to turn back and Warren ended up towing me for the last bit back as if I took a rest the water moved me further down. At least I didn't fall in, Sheridan got out of her kayak when the water was about thigh high, she said she could see the bottom, a wave knocked the kayak into her leg and over she went.  I was wearing long pants to guard against sunburn and the bottoms of my pants got wet and the waves did come over the front at times. Today I have a sore neck just from muscle use that I dont usually use. 

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