Saturday 15 June 2019


I thought for a split second I was back in China last night. I had not taken anything out of the freezer for dinner and we ended up being out most of the day. When I realised there was nothing to cook, Warren suggested fish and chips at the local shop. Saves me cooking so I agreed and even offered to ring up and then go and pick up. Usually if we have fish and chips, that Warren's turn to "cook" so thats what he does.

His order was dim sims and potato cakes, I added a couple of prawns cutlets and we were done and dusted. Friday night must be the night for F&c as the shop was busy.

What made me think we were back in China, in the libe up to get served was a guy wearing red plaid pjs! Now I didnt think to look at what he was wearing on his feet.

I was so surprised as it was quite common to see people out shopping or walking the streets at night in China wearing pjs, never before here. Guess there is a first for everything. I did get a glimpse of his face and he looked mid thirties, Caucasian probably a tradie.

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