Friday 21 June 2019

New car, a red one

As everyone knows that red is faster. Truth was, it was to be my colour choice and I liked the blue, then we were told that the blue and white had an extra charge/cost of $500 because of the metallic paint but no extra charge for the red. I didnt even need to think about it before saying the red is a nice colour, we'll take that one. It was nice too that the red was the one we test drove and so when we collected it, it only had 6 kms on the clock which we did.

There was a big purple bow on the bonnet, the salesman Peter took the photos for us and we had to cut them as the sun was bright.
I got given some flowers as well, probably as I handed over the money while Warren handed over the keys and paperwork for the jeep.

We took it for a drive to get coffee and cake, Lucy will be going for her first drive tomorrow and then I have an appointment mid morning. Will have to get used to the park brake on the floor, no key start and blinkers on the right rather than the left.

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