Sunday 9 June 2019


Warren has been doing this most of this year. A 5km run through a park on Saturday mornings. He has run here at home, in New Zealand and also in Queanbeyan NSW.

All run by volunteers, Warren has also done a couple of mornings of voluntary runs.
This week it was my turn, as I go with Warren each time and they need an extra body, Warren suggested that I do it.

It did mean that Lucy couldnt go, we have been going for a walk while Warren runs, we go in the opposite direction and it has become a tug of war when we first set out as she wants to go where he has gone.

I had to sign up to be a member and then download an app on my phone.
This was us watching the runners set off, then ten minutes from this photo we were on duty. First two runners came in at 7.18, they left at 7am, closely followed by another guy pushing a running stroller with his two kuds inside, they looked to be about five and six, imagine the extra weigh!

Two of us were doing bar scans, as they cross the finish line they are given a token which they brought to us to scan their membership and the token. That then records their postion and time. All results and photos are placed on the website by mid afternoon.
Warren took another 6 seconds off his time, think he has done a pb every time he has run at home.

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