Monday 12 March 2018

Trains, what a nightmare!

To be fair it wasn't the train that was the problem, it was the fact of getting there and on to the train.

My morning started off okay, had breakfast and a chat to Lucy, Warren had left for tennis already so I had no one to hold me up. If I am going to the hospital for the day, the best train to catch is the 8.38 am, I plan to leave around 8.15, give or take a couple of minutes. Not a lot of time but I checked that I had my bus pass, as I tend to change bags depending on what I am taking into his nibs, sometimes I need a bigger bag. I did get the bed made, picked up someones clothes and placed/threw them into the dirty clothes bin. Folded yesterdays washing and got some put away before thinking, well its time to go.

Made sure doors were locked, Lucy had a bone to chew, she knew she was being left at home. Drove out the garage and was two or three hundred metres away before I suddenly thought, my phone! Pulled over at next possible spot and rummaged through my bag, no, as I thought no phone. If it was just the phone then I could do without the entertainment on the trip, the time keeping etc but both my cards were in the phone which makes it very convenient to pick up my phone and keys and I dont need anything else.

Drat! I cant go without it. Tried to do a Uie but too much traffic both ways and a road just off where cars were trying to break in. Nothing for it but to continue on and pull into a side street which I did and then into the local childcare where I used their car park to turn around and go home. Time is ticking away by the time I arrived home I realised that I wouldn't be able to get the 8.38 oh well there was another at 9.08.

Sat down at home and checked emails until it was 8.45am giving me plenty of time to drive to the station park at the club and walk across the tracks and around to the station. All going well, until I got out of the car and started to walk to the station, a guy in black clothes approached me and asked if I was catching a train, yes I replied, noting by then that he had Security written above his left pocket. He then informed me that I couldn't park there as it was private property and said that the car could be towed if left there.

I have felt guilty about parking there but we are members and there always seems to be ample parking but I wasn't going to argue as I knew it would be fruitless. Got back in the car and drove next door to the station parking, hoping that there was one just one parking spot for me.

Of course there wasnt, I did the next best thing, drove to the big shopping centre three blocks away and parked there towards the back. Thankfully it wasnt three blocks back to walk but it was a fair walk. I checked my phone as i stepped on the pathway, ten minutes til the train, I stepped it up a bit as I didnt know how long it would take. The pathway last week had been under water! Its a flat walk and there was a north bound train which stopped traffic both ways so I was able to get across the road without waiting and the boom gates had gone up when I needed to walk around the tracks. Only a couple of hundred metres now to go and no sign of the train yet. Swiped my card, sat down checked the time 9.06, woohoo, three minutes to spare. It was nice to be able to sit on the train and relax for the forty five minute journey. 

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