Wednesday 28 March 2018

A Pub Lunch

We stopped for lunch yesterday while on our way South. With thee caravan on, we needed to find a place to park. Many streets in NSW are the back in ones,  so usually its the side streets for us.

Walking back to main street and came past a pub,  but it was too early for lunch by seven minutes. We went for a quick walk as Surprise surprise I had forgotton to pack an item so we went to find a store and buy that item. The few minutes and a couple of dollars spent, we returned to go back across to the pub.

A local guy said gidday to us, it was a smallish country town, Warren told him we were off to the park and asked what the meals were like. The guy said they were good but the one that was just across the road from us was as good but cheaper.

We thought well, cant go past a recommendation so we went there.
This was my lunch, two lunches and two drinks was $22.
r. g

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