Thursday 8 March 2018

Rats to you!

I was out driving this morning, I get bored taking Lucy on the same walks around home so I often drive to a different park and we walk there. I did a quick stop off on the way as I had stuff to drop off to the op shop which just needs the car backed up to their bins, open the back and transfer the bags. Lucy is in the back seat and only a couple of metres from the action.

Driving out again and waiting to turn obto the main road, I saw a rat running/hopping up the middle of the road. There were no cars just then but a stream of cars were on their way as the lights had just changed 100 metres away. I know it was a rat because of the size and length of its tail I have only seen two or three in the wild before.

Couldnt work out where it had come from or where it thought it was going. I watched it for a couple of seconds before the cars were on it, it didnt deviate just stayed in the middle and of course the first 4wd bowled it over and the next one finished it off. I doubt if they would have even seen it as they were travelling the same way and would have been looking down and the rat would have blended into the road.

I am not a lover of rats but still didnt like to see it come to an end like that but thats life.


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