Saturday 17 March 2018


Our kayaking trip that was postponed from last week, happened today. We loaded up the yaks al, three as Sheridan was coming too. Well, it was her idea and we wouldnt wouldnt have gone if it wasnt for her.

The plan was to travel north to a river? more like a creek and paddle up to get some caches.

Sheri launched first and getting into a kayak when its in water is not an easy thing to do and she got a bit wet. Warren pulled mine up to the shore and held it while I got in, again not pretty but I was dry. No one was there to help Warren get in but he managed to get in without a drop of water on him.

My inner thighs started hurting not far into the paddle, I couldnt seem to get comfortable. If my legs were bent, each stroke hurt but if I straighten my legs, it seemed to hurt my back.

Ended up I didnt go as far as they did and I slowly made my way back to the launch spot. As I kept drifting down, I decided to see if I could get my kayak out of the water. That s did mean I had to step into the water, it was nice and cool. Once I got up on the bank it was no hassle to pull the kayak up.
Warren and Sheridan going past to grab a other cache down the other way. Got five smi,ies for the day on the creek.

The purple one is mine, Warren,s is blue and Sheridan's is green. Sheri and I were a little annoyed as Warren was able to get out of his again without getting wet At all! I was wet up to both knees, Sheri got wet up to one thigh I think and not a drop on him!

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