Monday 23 July 2012

Visa application

We received our formal letter of invitation to teach last week, they were needed to apply for a visa. Friday after dropping the boys at school, I venture into Brisbane city. I had two things to do, go to the visa place and then on to the DVA and drop off the paperwork for my pension. DH had printed off maps of each place. I over shot the mark on both of them, very few places have building numbers displayed. Well, I certainly got my exercise. Visa place tells me I need a copy of medicals which we had sent to China,luckily Warren had copied them and had on file. DVA is in the BOQ building, another long walk and had to retract my steps. In the meantime I had found a discount souniver shop and bought a few things to take over. Six wristbands with Aussie flags on them being one item 6 for $10, bargain! Got home and showing Warren what I had bought (also got a soft toy, an Emu for Andy and Maise' baby) there were no wristbands in the bag, dont know if I had dropped them or they were not put in the bag in the first place. At the station while waiting for a train, I wanted a drink and went to self serve dispenser, put in my $3.20 and nothing happened, pressed the reject button, though that I might as well get my money back if I could, $4.50 spat out, then a guy walked over and asked what drink I wanted, I said a zero coke, he hit the button and one came out. I guess that meant that I was only $2.20 out of pocket cos of the bands.Took Aidan with me this morning with the medicals, knowing where to go made a big difference. He was excited but got sick of me hanging on to his hand all the time although he agreed that there were lots of cars and trucks.After the visa place, when he asked if we were in China, There were photos of Chinese icons, Chinese people and difference languages spoken so it was a fair comment.We went to King George Square and he posed at several statues. Had an early lunch at HJ's, we were the only white people, all others looked Chinese but at least the ones who left took their rubbish to the bins.

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