Thursday 19 July 2012

Out of the mouths of babes! (or little people).

Yesterday I had promised Aidan that we would go to Go Wild as we had been home for two days straight while the A/C was being fitted. Off we go and the car park in almost deserted, strange! Blacl plastic on the doors and dirty big locks and a note, to say that the locks had been changed due to outstanding debt. Aidan wanted to go to "Donalds" but that was back the other way, I presuaded him to go to Strathpine shopping centre and play in the shopping playground as it was raining. We walked around the shops and of course went past Millers, as I went to go in, Aidan, "Do we have to?" "Yes,  we do if you want to go and play after" "Oh, Okkkk!". many pairs of pants but none had pockets in them or only fake pockets, I need pockeets. Then there was a rack with jeans! and a sign $10. Humm, am I a size 14 still or should I look at 16's, decided to try them on. I take AD into the change room with me and he sits on the pouffe facing the wall, I thought he was cranky and asked what was the matter. He said "I dont want to see you naked Nana". I told him that I had a long top on and I was only trying on jeans so he wouldnt see me "naked". He was very happy when I bought the jeans and left. Naked indeed!

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