Wednesday 4 July 2012

Red Hats Day

This month was here at home, twenty women. I counted up my chairs several times and planned where to place them. Everyone fitted and some including me stood for the morning. It was a show and tell type gathering, with everyone asked to bring along something that they had created. When I suggested it, I imagined people bringing something small but no, one lady brought six or seven quilts full size ones. they were nice but not really to my liking, she spread them out on the floor one by one and then thankfully she packed them up again. Most people had brought something or things. I trotted out my book and several people asked if they could buy a copy! It is now on loan with some waiting to read it. The day was also a swap day bring along clothing that no longer wanted/needed or wore. I had some purple stuff and three pairs of shoes that I had not worn, all three ladies who took the shoes offered to buy them, I said no to that and that if they didnt take them, I was taking to Vinnies. More clutter gone! I put out some extra clothes hangers and one lady took two of those, they were cane ones that I had bought years ago in Canberra, cost me $1.50 each. She came back to her seat and said oh, I 've got these, they will be so handy! I didnt have the heart (or guts) to tell her  they werent actually to take. I thought well, I do have plenty of coat hangers.  Another funny thing happened, I was keeping the jug boiling and as people arrived, asking if they would like tea of coffee. I had bought extra tea and coffee, one lady said I dont usually drink coffee, only tea. I said thats fine, theres tea there, she said oh no, its not opened so I''ll have coffee. How dumb, so i opened the tea and said well, its open now, which one do you want. She told tea! Some people, honestly.  Lesley and Maureen stayed behind and washed all the cups which was nice then we had another cuppa and they left about 1.30.

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