Tuesday 10 July 2012

Back to work

It was a bit hard getting out of bed after staying in bed in the warm until 8am or so during the holidays. Finally got going at 7am, little later than usual and I wanted to, I prefer to leave home between ten and five to seven, makes it easier with the traffic, also I miss any roadworks as they usually dont start until 7 or 7.30. Got stopped at Narangba but only while a truck was turning into the station car park where they are doing some roadworks.Bit low on petrol so I told AD that we had to go out and get some when it warmed up. He didnt really want to get out of his pjs but I said he couldnt go shopping in pjs. Petrol prices were down to 127 when I drove to work and I got a tank full for $1.24, its easy to be excited over 1.24 when it has been around 150 for ages. Shopped for a couple of things at Aldi, saw the puppies at the pet store, no kittens, then drove to the play ground. While AD played on the swings, I walked around the car park a few times with AD calling out to me. Home for a late lunch. Ad said he wanted a pajamas day today so he hasnt got dresses and we have stayed at home, it is a miserable day out. I did some washing but its not going to dry. AD wanted pizza for lunch so I made that and he ate most of it, JD can have the rest for afternoon tea.

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