Monday 16 July 2012

Christmas in July

It was so nice having a Christmas in winter. We had corn chowderwith olive bread at first, the boys had chicken wings. Then two roast chooks, baked ham and roast veges. I wanted to make a potato bake but Warren wanted to make a pot salad so I said fine as long as he did it. I almost forgot to put it on the table. Roast veg and green beans, I had also made gravy for the chicken and a spicy apple and tomato sauce for the ham. Then we bought out the pressies which of course the boys loved as there were nerf guns in each of their bag of goodies, they went outside to play while adults sat and chatted. my planned essert didnt work out, luckily I had bought a tiamasu from Aldi and I sliced that, added a spoonful of homemade icecream, some panna cota, passionfruit and a couple of marshmellows and Bob's your uncle. the kids left about 5.30pm and we were putting away the table and stuff when S & boys come back for a left phone and pills. Warren suggested ordering a pizza but we just pigged out on left overs. Corn chowder for lunch today and cooked chicken to do something with for dinner. tonight. Rob rang later and Warren told him what we had done so I had to sent a message to say that a box of goodies were being to them. I have everything but havent made moccassins for Ryan, may have to get my act into gear and make them and then I can send it on Friday. They wont be qable to use the Alma Park Zoo pass that I bought for them too, damn if you do and damned if you dont! I probably caused them not to get here by buying one for them as well. Oh, well, Aidan and I just might have to use it.

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