Monday 23 July 2012

An Aidanism this morning

 Aidan had insisted on taking a drawing book and pencil. That was okay, I said he could do it on the train. He also sat in the waiting room at the embassy and proceeded to draw. He tells me that he is going to write a letter to Great Nana, I say ok, next breath he says, "Oh, no sorry she is died" where on earth did he get that from, so I suggested that he write a letter to Grandma. He wrote in his book all the time I was at the counter.

Visa application

We received our formal letter of invitation to teach last week, they were needed to apply for a visa. Friday after dropping the boys at school, I venture into Brisbane city. I had two things to do, go to the visa place and then on to the DVA and drop off the paperwork for my pension. DH had printed off maps of each place. I over shot the mark on both of them, very few places have building numbers displayed. Well, I certainly got my exercise. Visa place tells me I need a copy of medicals which we had sent to China,luckily Warren had copied them and had on file. DVA is in the BOQ building, another long walk and had to retract my steps. In the meantime I had found a discount souniver shop and bought a few things to take over. Six wristbands with Aussie flags on them being one item 6 for $10, bargain! Got home and showing Warren what I had bought (also got a soft toy, an Emu for Andy and Maise' baby) there were no wristbands in the bag, dont know if I had dropped them or they were not put in the bag in the first place. At the station while waiting for a train, I wanted a drink and went to self serve dispenser, put in my $3.20 and nothing happened, pressed the reject button, though that I might as well get my money back if I could, $4.50 spat out, then a guy walked over and asked what drink I wanted, I said a zero coke, he hit the button and one came out. I guess that meant that I was only $2.20 out of pocket cos of the bands.Took Aidan with me this morning with the medicals, knowing where to go made a big difference. He was excited but got sick of me hanging on to his hand all the time although he agreed that there were lots of cars and trucks.After the visa place, when he asked if we were in China, There were photos of Chinese icons, Chinese people and difference languages spoken so it was a fair comment.We went to King George Square and he posed at several statues. Had an early lunch at HJ's, we were the only white people, all others looked Chinese but at least the ones who left took their rubbish to the bins.

Thursday 19 July 2012

Out of the mouths of babes! (or little people).

Yesterday I had promised Aidan that we would go to Go Wild as we had been home for two days straight while the A/C was being fitted. Off we go and the car park in almost deserted, strange! Blacl plastic on the doors and dirty big locks and a note, to say that the locks had been changed due to outstanding debt. Aidan wanted to go to "Donalds" but that was back the other way, I presuaded him to go to Strathpine shopping centre and play in the shopping playground as it was raining. We walked around the shops and of course went past Millers, as I went to go in, Aidan, "Do we have to?" "Yes,  we do if you want to go and play after" "Oh, Okkkk!". many pairs of pants but none had pockets in them or only fake pockets, I need pockeets. Then there was a rack with jeans! and a sign $10. Humm, am I a size 14 still or should I look at 16's, decided to try them on. I take AD into the change room with me and he sits on the pouffe facing the wall, I thought he was cranky and asked what was the matter. He said "I dont want to see you naked Nana". I told him that I had a long top on and I was only trying on jeans so he wouldnt see me "naked". He was very happy when I bought the jeans and left. Naked indeed!

Home in daylight Yay!

This week i have been driving home and it has still been light outside. I have needed to have the lights on as I drive thru some wooded areas but it was light, so nice. Summer is on its way also some of the days that we have been having, it does seem a way off yet.

Monday 16 July 2012

Christmas in July

It was so nice having a Christmas in winter. We had corn chowderwith olive bread at first, the boys had chicken wings. Then two roast chooks, baked ham and roast veges. I wanted to make a potato bake but Warren wanted to make a pot salad so I said fine as long as he did it. I almost forgot to put it on the table. Roast veg and green beans, I had also made gravy for the chicken and a spicy apple and tomato sauce for the ham. Then we bought out the pressies which of course the boys loved as there were nerf guns in each of their bag of goodies, they went outside to play while adults sat and chatted. my planned essert didnt work out, luckily I had bought a tiamasu from Aldi and I sliced that, added a spoonful of homemade icecream, some panna cota, passionfruit and a couple of marshmellows and Bob's your uncle. the kids left about 5.30pm and we were putting away the table and stuff when S & boys come back for a left phone and pills. Warren suggested ordering a pizza but we just pigged out on left overs. Corn chowder for lunch today and cooked chicken to do something with for dinner. tonight. Rob rang later and Warren told him what we had done so I had to sent a message to say that a box of goodies were being to them. I have everything but havent made moccassins for Ryan, may have to get my act into gear and make them and then I can send it on Friday. They wont be qable to use the Alma Park Zoo pass that I bought for them too, damn if you do and damned if you dont! I probably caused them not to get here by buying one for them as well. Oh, well, Aidan and I just might have to use it.

Corporate box at the footy

The boys were invited to take part in a guard of honour at the footy, Brisbane Lions match and we were asked if wanted to go as well. Well, of course, as the week went on, it got better, had a seat in a corporate box, had car parking, Jordan was asked to do the coin toss.
saturday evening arrived and we were early to the game but did have a bit of trouble finding the parking and the traffic was getting busy, thank goodness we had left early. Boys were lined up and then someone draped Lions scraves over them. The main woman realised that she didnt have a fifty cent coin, so asked around, I had one so it was transported out to the middle. After the Lions ran thru the banner, then the kids went thru and Aidan jumped up to grab it and got coat hanged and fell on his bum, it hurt! and he had to come off the ground with a lady he didnt know as Jordan had to then go out to the middle. It was too far away to Jordan but at least he featured on the big screen and Warren got a photo of that.
When Jd came off, we were escorted to the box. Sheri was organising to set up a credit card account to buy dinner, couldnt pay cash, when a big tray of pies arrived 16 in all. Later drinks came and then ice-creams, all I guess from BOQ. Leather footballs came for the boys and a goodie bag with stickers, ballons and a goal clacker thing. It was a good night, weather was good and it did rain but we were under cover so that didnt matter. Brisbane were winning til about the last ten minutes, it would have been an upset if they had won but it would have been nice to get a win.

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Back to work

It was a bit hard getting out of bed after staying in bed in the warm until 8am or so during the holidays. Finally got going at 7am, little later than usual and I wanted to, I prefer to leave home between ten and five to seven, makes it easier with the traffic, also I miss any roadworks as they usually dont start until 7 or 7.30. Got stopped at Narangba but only while a truck was turning into the station car park where they are doing some roadworks.Bit low on petrol so I told AD that we had to go out and get some when it warmed up. He didnt really want to get out of his pjs but I said he couldnt go shopping in pjs. Petrol prices were down to 127 when I drove to work and I got a tank full for $1.24, its easy to be excited over 1.24 when it has been around 150 for ages. Shopped for a couple of things at Aldi, saw the puppies at the pet store, no kittens, then drove to the play ground. While AD played on the swings, I walked around the car park a few times with AD calling out to me. Home for a late lunch. Ad said he wanted a pajamas day today so he hasnt got dresses and we have stayed at home, it is a miserable day out. I did some washing but its not going to dry. AD wanted pizza for lunch so I made that and he ate most of it, JD can have the rest for afternoon tea.

Jandowie trail bike ride

In the lead up to the weekend, Wazza was preparing/planning a way to take camper van and bike with only one car. I told him that I would rather not go than borrow a car. He bought a piece of channel iron and tied it to the tow bar of van, was going to bolt it but rope secured it good enough. The idea was to push the bike, only weighing 105 kilos, up and into the channel. We practised seveal times and strapped it on. Eleven o'clock on Friday morning, we set off, right on time! I had prepared lunch to have on the way, the campsite opened at 3pm. Uneventful run but thankfully there are now two lanes open on the Blackbutt road, speed still is 40 kms for a few kms but no stopping, what a bonus! Pulled into camp at 3.45pm just as they were placing the thunder boxes around the area. Single ones in a semi circle, woo hoo, they were flushing and even had a sink inside with running water to wash hands. Cooked dinner of sausages in bread at 5pm as we had no light except a torch, we got into bed at 6.45pm as we thought that it would be warmer there. People were rocking up for several hours and hammering in pegs. Ride got off about 11.15am, Warren had gone down to Robert & Melody's camp about 10.30 but as they were getting ready to go, their tent blew over the car doing some damage. Luckily the guys were all there and able to fix it.Lunch was late a staek sandwich, had to walk about 800 mts over thick tufted grass. Saw the trail bike on video that night while we ate hot chips. Pancakes and strawberries for breakfast ( I took it from home already mixed) felt quite special, a smaller ride on Sunday then packed up and left for home. Dalby maccas was paid a visit again, busy place that and I drove for a couple of hours, not notable difference with the extra weight. back home just before 6pm.

Friday 6 July 2012


Drove to Eumundi to check out lunch places. What a nice little town, we saw where the markets are held and there are big shady trees covering the area. It is just off the main street and heaps of places to eat. We choose a Thai place and a $10 special with a pot of ginger tea and sat out on the veranda which was covered. After we wancdered back to the car and stopped at some interesting shops like a glass blowing art gallery, it was closed but couldnt have afforded to buy anything anyway, stunning work though. Book lovers heaven was a little further on, OMG what a bookshop. New and second hand books but definately not tatty, two or three nooks where there were some comfy chairs or sofas to curl up with a good book and one alcove led to a coffee bar. One could have spend several hours there. I did buy a few books even though I dont need any more but they looked interesting, could have gone silly but I will be up there again in August.

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Red Hats Day

This month was here at home, twenty women. I counted up my chairs several times and planned where to place them. Everyone fitted and some including me stood for the morning. It was a show and tell type gathering, with everyone asked to bring along something that they had created. When I suggested it, I imagined people bringing something small but no, one lady brought six or seven quilts full size ones. they were nice but not really to my liking, she spread them out on the floor one by one and then thankfully she packed them up again. Most people had brought something or things. I trotted out my book and several people asked if they could buy a copy! It is now on loan with some waiting to read it. The day was also a swap day bring along clothing that no longer wanted/needed or wore. I had some purple stuff and three pairs of shoes that I had not worn, all three ladies who took the shoes offered to buy them, I said no to that and that if they didnt take them, I was taking to Vinnies. More clutter gone! I put out some extra clothes hangers and one lady took two of those, they were cane ones that I had bought years ago in Canberra, cost me $1.50 each. She came back to her seat and said oh, I 've got these, they will be so handy! I didnt have the heart (or guts) to tell her  they werent actually to take. I thought well, I do have plenty of coat hangers.  Another funny thing happened, I was keeping the jug boiling and as people arrived, asking if they would like tea of coffee. I had bought extra tea and coffee, one lady said I dont usually drink coffee, only tea. I said thats fine, theres tea there, she said oh no, its not opened so I''ll have coffee. How dumb, so i opened the tea and said well, its open now, which one do you want. She told tea! Some people, honestly.  Lesley and Maureen stayed behind and washed all the cups which was nice then we had another cuppa and they left about 1.30.

Landsborough by train

Sunday was a great day and we set off by train to have lunch at Landsborough. Thirty minute trip, got off the train and walked for about 800 metres round the bend to the cafe, need to know that it is there or it would be missed. last time we went it was closed for renos and it has had a name change, dont know if it is a management/owner change as well. We ordered lunch, warm Thai salad for me and a Thai club sandwich, dont think it was all Thai but just the things that we picked and we went into the garden room to wait.There was a large table of older people there with old fashioned musical instruments having a sing along. They were playing mainly Celtic music with banjo, squeeze boxes and ukalaylee. added to the enjoyment of the afternoon, home by 2.30 just in time to watch the footy.