Thursday 31 May 2012

Phone Calls that are annoying!

I sat down at the computer to check emails, bank and write my blog, I allowed myself 30 mins. The phone rings, I see it is a Melbourne number. Something to do with national Wildlife and would I mind if it was recoreded for training purposes. The silky voice continued to tell me about how many koalas have been lost and they are almost endangered and we need to do somwthing to save out national hertiage, it was about then that i pressed the off button on the phone. So annoying and we have "do not Call" on our phone but apparently charities are exempt for that. Last night we had a ring at the door after dark, it was about 5.45pm and it was someone wanting to talk about solar power, that was easy, said we already had solar power, I refuse to answer the door after dark unless I am expecting some-one.

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