Saturday 26 May 2012

Mothers day

Warren bought me a nice gift in the lead up to MD's. a cooking DVD and a PJ set which I love, not sure that I will use the dressing gown but living in the PJ and slippers. I had mentioned that if anyone asked what to get me for MD, I would like PJs mainly to take to China and he decided to get them for me, as he says I'm the mother of his children it was a nice surprise. Combined mothers day lunch and Benny's birthday so I got to see the kids and Rob had rang on the Friday. Chocolates, flowers and soap, could have done without the choccs as of course we ate them thru the week. Pretty passport holder and matching pen, my passport is pretty tatty looking so it looks good now and I can also know which one is mine. Had to take our passports to get our tickets and yep mine looked good! Rang Mum in the evening she had been to Kaylenes and Gary had visited so she was happy but getting ready for bed when I rang at 7pm. She seems to be slipping and not the person that she was but I guess thats to be expected.

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