Sunday 13 May 2012

Acts of Kindness

I have signed up for this, it starts tomorrow. i have pledged to do four acts a week, then I find out that the weeks are themed. i think the first one is family based. last week I had a couple of AOK handed to me by the same person. I was visiting Maureen for coffee and mentioned that I was off to Spotlight to buy some ribbing, she said dont do that, i have a bag full and yes she did of all different colours, so that saved me a trip and some money. Then she asked me if I had made my new curtains yet, I said no, they would have towait until the school holidays. She said that she would be happy to do them for me as she had more time than I did. I was taken aback and said well if you really want to and thanked her very much. She dropped by in the afternoon to pick up the material. i know that she will do a far better job than I would have,  it was really nice of her to offer. Now I have to think and plan my AOK for the week.

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