Thursday 31 May 2012

Phone Calls that are annoying!

I sat down at the computer to check emails, bank and write my blog, I allowed myself 30 mins. The phone rings, I see it is a Melbourne number. Something to do with national Wildlife and would I mind if it was recoreded for training purposes. The silky voice continued to tell me about how many koalas have been lost and they are almost endangered and we need to do somwthing to save out national hertiage, it was about then that i pressed the off button on the phone. So annoying and we have "do not Call" on our phone but apparently charities are exempt for that. Last night we had a ring at the door after dark, it was about 5.45pm and it was someone wanting to talk about solar power, that was easy, said we already had solar power, I refuse to answer the door after dark unless I am expecting some-one.


You know there's only two of us living but we have such a lot of cr....! i have started in the bedroom and got rid of some stuff but i want to take it further so Starting today, I am going to chuck out stuff that we no longer need, use or have a use for. my thought was to start tomorrow being the first of a new month, then i slapped myself and set out to see what went out TODAY! Our DVD player wouldn't play a DVD yesterday and we played around with it a bit and changed it over with another and the movie played. DVD player was put on the dining table and left there. as I was the one to put the bin out this morning out it went plus some odd matched glasses that had been taking up space for awhile. In the spare room (kids) we have aquired many kids books, some that Helen bought from garage sales when she stayed here three years ago, most of those are now in the bin. Gee, that felt good so look out house, I'm in a de-cluttering mood! My plan is to  clear out a drawer or a cupboard and chuck something every day for the next thirty days, this is not normal every day rubbish but stuff that has been taking up space in the house for awhile.

Saturday 26 May 2012

Mothers day

Warren bought me a nice gift in the lead up to MD's. a cooking DVD and a PJ set which I love, not sure that I will use the dressing gown but living in the PJ and slippers. I had mentioned that if anyone asked what to get me for MD, I would like PJs mainly to take to China and he decided to get them for me, as he says I'm the mother of his children it was a nice surprise. Combined mothers day lunch and Benny's birthday so I got to see the kids and Rob had rang on the Friday. Chocolates, flowers and soap, could have done without the choccs as of course we ate them thru the week. Pretty passport holder and matching pen, my passport is pretty tatty looking so it looks good now and I can also know which one is mine. Had to take our passports to get our tickets and yep mine looked good! Rang Mum in the evening she had been to Kaylenes and Gary had visited so she was happy but getting ready for bed when I rang at 7pm. She seems to be slipping and not the person that she was but I guess thats to be expected.

New Bed and Curtains

Had a phone call to say that our ordered bed was really to be picked up, so Thursday was the day as the car would be home. my thought was that we would collect it before Warren went to work but no he says we'll get it after work at about 2pm. But I insisted that we move the current bed so it (new one) could just go straight in the bedroom. tipped mattress over to the window and then frog marched the bed base up the passage as the phone rang. It was Maureen saying she would come over later with the curtains, oh, poo! that meant moving the mattress again and tidying the room. Curtains look brilliant and they are so heavy, cut out a lot of light, will be great in summer. She even put the hooks into them and hung them, I must admit I would have been a bit hopeless at it. The bed looks good too but we didnt remove the bedhead that we made a few years ago, it is attached to the wall and has fluro reading lights attached but it works well except for the colour, its blue on white and the bedroom is now gold. We need to buy new lamps and DE_CLUTTER!

Saturday 19 May 2012

An interesting afternoon

which started with a phone call from Chris. Suddenly the bike ride is getting closer with organizing how to get there etc and what to sleep in. Wazza says I should take that bike for a ride, dont even though if its any good. as its not reged, had to take it somewhere in the trailer. BUT, the trailer was full of tree trimmings, says he, I'll run over that with the lawn mower, a few minutes later, it would be easier to take it to the tip so I'll do that. Can you come with me for the bike run, sure says I, ever the helpful spouse! Ten minutes later he was back and loading up the bike. he did suggest that we wait until after footy but that was no biggie as it was not my team so didnt really care who won. Get to the pine forest, unload bike (I just watched), then all the gear goes on. What do you want me to do, just be here with phone if I need you. I had packed our travel mugs with hot coffee so after a few goes to get said bike going, I sat with my knitting and enjoyed the peace and quiet and sipped my coffee. Apparently the bike went well but had to do another lap just cos it did so well. Mossies started to appear so after the next lap, I did suggest it was time to go home. went to get out of the car to help load up only to hear a loud roar and a familair face loomed in the back window, glory be, he had ridden it up the ramp. Oh dear boys and their toys. (Nice to see him with a big smile on his face though, I'm sure he will have a ball next weekend)

Monday 14 May 2012


Our first game was on Saturday nigh tBrisbane v Collingwood. We drove down to Wickham Terrace and parked in the parklands area and then walked to the transit hub. We werent exactly sure where the pick up for the footy was so we had allowed extra time. Got a little lost at the busses as all we saw were stops going to difference places, ended up going outside and then we saw people wearing Lions gear so we tacked on the end and yep, sure enough they were going to the game. Its was a dissappionting loss for the Lions, they couldnt seem to do anything right and the maggies were the opposite. The crowd was good, no problems at all, even going back with both sides. I think most people expected that Collingwood would win and was okay. We had good seats up in the third tier and there was always something to watch, looking forward to the next two matches which are both Sunday afternoon games. We think we will catch the bus from Chermside next time as it wont be as far to drive and the busses are free.

Sunday 13 May 2012

Acts of Kindness

I have signed up for this, it starts tomorrow. i have pledged to do four acts a week, then I find out that the weeks are themed. i think the first one is family based. last week I had a couple of AOK handed to me by the same person. I was visiting Maureen for coffee and mentioned that I was off to Spotlight to buy some ribbing, she said dont do that, i have a bag full and yes she did of all different colours, so that saved me a trip and some money. Then she asked me if I had made my new curtains yet, I said no, they would have towait until the school holidays. She said that she would be happy to do them for me as she had more time than I did. I was taken aback and said well if you really want to and thanked her very much. She dropped by in the afternoon to pick up the material. i know that she will do a far better job than I would have,  it was really nice of her to offer. Now I have to think and plan my AOK for the week.

China flights

Booked our flights and had seven days to pay in full. Finally got the school calendar and saw that we could come home a week earlier than planned which meant a savings of $100 so Katie at the flight Centre changed the tickets and we paid it in full. Now we are in payback mode, should have it paid off by the end of june. Everything is now done for China just waiting for the visa and packing!

Sunday 6 May 2012

Millers for dinner

I did my non fridge shopping at Sheri's Aldi on Friday as I needed petrol so killed two birds with one stone. It was taxing to be only able to shop for non persibles. I didnt want to haul any stuff upstairs to the fridge and then remember to get it out again. Saturday morning saw us head out to buy meat and vege. I said us as his nibs was told to attend after not helping to pack away the dry stuff and instead was being a hindrance so his punishment was shopping with me. I had decided to cook Chinese food and had pork out of freezer for Friday night,  that went for a pork and pineapple dish with ginger and veges. I also made beef and mushrooms with sweet chilli sauce. I did intend to buy some prawns and make prawn toast but I forgot to take my shopping list which had the prawns on it.  I made my green cheese cake for dessert. As I was packing away the soup that I had made for lunch, Warren asked if we could have that as well so we had a three course meal and there is still enough soup for lunch and leftovers for dinner so no cooking for me today. (Also two slices of cheese cake!) I had a glass of wine and thought that the scales would be very bad but no, I had lost 400 gms from yesterday. Today is going to be a sewing day for me if I can only get off this computer but I did have stuff to do, I cleaned up some of my emails and found a quote from a bus company that I had asked for a year ago and its likely to save us (red hats) some money. I needed to send a confirmation and it looks like going from $60 to $20 for a day out but lunch wont be included.


Warren wanted to go out for dinner Friday and he suggested the RSL. We had not been there before, our membership cards from the Sportmans Club got us in so that was no drama. Meals started at $11 which included a beer, wine or soft drink. Warren had his usual, roast pork and I opted for nachos. It was very nice ,  a little spicy and I was woken at 2am with ingestion, I think it was a little rich for me. Scales did not look good on saturday morning, 700 gms UP.

Day off

In between, bus trips on Thursday, I stopped to hang up a pair of pants in my wardrobe and keep at it and at it. yay! Without intending to, I now have a tidy wardrobe and no clothes on the chest of drawers, that is progress! My room is usually the most untidiest in the house and I rush to shut the door when anyone comes to visit. I have moved to the bottom of the mattress to open the drawers to get some clothes out only to stop and realise that we dont have drawers in the bed base any more, I suppose i will get used to that one day.

Friday 4 May 2012


The car was having little hiccups, every now and again, it wouldnt start. Mostly it had happened to other people but two weeks ago it did it to me. Three times! I booked it in for a service but it seemed that it needed to go to the dealer. Yesterday we took it over to Red Cliffe and caught the bus back. Bus travel is ok but nothing like the convience of having your own wheels. An hour on the bus to Morayfield, then a 25 mins wait to get the one to home, nice coffee break and a quick duck into Kmart to pick up a mothers day pressie, what do you buy for a 94 yo? a pair of warm slippers. 2.15 saw us do the reverse trip, quote was $190 but it only cost $174, yay, finally home at 5pm. The problem was the computer in the key, any many bl.......computers do cars have these days. Funny thing was after the service it didnt have any hiccups at all, but should be all good now though and nice to see it back in the garage.