Sunday 18 March 2012


My wool collection is under my sewing table and as I have spent some time in there tidying, I have been astounded how much I have. Some came from Mum as she can no longer knit and so I bought all hers home as well. I am determined not to buy any more wool until I have knitted it. last night I started on Aidan's wool hat that he asked for and picked out his choice of wool. It is a multi coloured red, green, blue and yellow. Football was telvised for the first time this year the NAB cup so settled down to watch and then today was "Win it in a minute" so that was an hour for lunch and knitting and so I have finished AD's hat, the predominate colour is red. I have another one just started in the same colour but I will only use it as stripes and use another colour to tone it down as it is a bit in "Ya face". yay, I can now add a photo! Thanks to some family help.

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