Wednesday 14 March 2012

Impluse buy

Its not often that I buy things for the house on an impluse but yesterday I did. I took Aidan to Big W after his hydro session to see his poster. Didnt think that I needed anything but had a look while I was there, $62 later I am leaving the checkout. Wool was on special or cheaper than other places and there was a nice mens jacket on the balls of wool. I bought enough to make a jumper, hummmm how long is it since I have made an adult jumper and finished it. ( I will need one for China!) and a hat! Aidan thought that Grampy would need a hat too. I bought a couple of books and wrapping paper to top up my supplies at home then I saw it! A self closing screen door that can be put up in seconds, what a great idea as some-one at home likes to have the laundry door/ back to garage open most of the time. I bought one hoping to install it, said it was easy and only took a few seconds. Yep! heard that before. Drove home with my purchase and lo and behold HE steps out of the garage thru a self closing screen door. Has also been shopping and thought what a great idea, actually neighbour had told him about them, he had bought two and installed both. I will keep mine and put it into the random gift cupboard that I have started. Could think of a couple of places where it could find a new home. Many many times we have bought things and they have sat waiting to be installed, put in place, planted or what ever. We noticed the other day that we are getting better at that type of thing. We bought plants at the market and actually planted them that same morning, what a break thru! 

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