Monday 12 March 2012

Day Off!

Aidan has to have his port done today and Sheri has taken the day off so she said I might as well have it off as well. he has rang me and he and Jordan have both put on weight this week so that is good. he sounded happy to go to hospital and he will ring me after. Wanted to have a sleep-in so I turned all (3) of my alarms off but set one for 7.30am, didnt want to sleep the day away BUT of course my sleeping partner still had his on for 6.30am. he went to tennis about 7.45 and i got up and had a leisurely shower, breakfast and catching up on some computer stuff. About to catch the last of the morning show on TV while i finish my coffee, then I am going into my sewing room. Hopefully by the end of the day, it will be tidy! One can hope! It looks like a bomb blast ATM as everything just gets dumped in there. may I will post before and after photos if I could work out how to get photos across to this.

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