Tuesday 11 June 2024

Tree cutting.

 We put in one tree before we officially moved into our house twenty two years ago. It must have been a good year as we planted another tree of the same sort three years later and it never did any good. Ended up removing it as it was a stunted looking thing that never really grew. 

Could not say that about the first tree. Three years ago, we had it professionally trimmed, the guy cut limbs off and then took it all to the tip, three trips.

Tree had grown well and there were branches reaching and hanging over the roof. It gives a lot of shade but we are due to have the roof repaired cleaned and painted in a few weeks so branches needed to be dealt with. 

We have loppers or a brush cutter thing but with Warren having trouble with his arm/shoulder it wasn't an option just now. Jason offered to come and help after doing park run. Last week, they both ran then cut some of the branches and loaded the trailer, this week was a park walk for them, breakfast then the rest of the tree filling another trailer load.

Still plenty of shade from tree.

Can now see blue skies between tree and house.

Trailer ready for the tip, some sizable logs in there. Too heavy to tip so everything had to be picked up and thrown into the large area at the tip. 

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