Saturday 23 March 2024

Heading out

 We are going south for just over three weeks, taking our time to get to Canberra. While on the road, we saw this car which we couldn't work out what it was. Obviously an older car and we used to be pretty good at knowing our brands. Not with the newer models though as they all look much the same.

We both thought it may have been an Austin. Luckily for us, there were roadworks that we had to stop at for a few moments. I read the model Flaminia 3b, none the wiser.

Come on Google, we did have service. 

It was a 1962 Lancia, a luxury car at the time, 6 cylinder and capable of 118 miles per hour, a two door coupe.

Couldn't see if it only had two doors or not. We could see that it had a very large GPS mounted on the dash, which we figured would not have been standard issue.

Our GPS later advised us to take the second road on an overpass which we did only to discover we were heading the way we had come almost. There had been a road on our left but we realised after that it was a road only heading into a large truck depot so not counted.

Soon back on track by using my geo caching app, we went through some country roads that we hadn't ventured in before, losing about fifteen minutes. Used the bypass around Toowoomba, still a drag up and around the hills but much nicer drive in two lanes, even if it is a toll road, it's worth it.

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