Tuesday 10 January 2023

Local movie theatre

 About this time last year I heard that our cinema in the shopping centre was closing down. Before covid we had probably been going four or five times a year. As we were members it was a cheap outing at $8 for a couple of hours entertainment.

Closure happened in April. In September they were advertising reopening soon. The cinema was at the end of the eatery so not an area that I go to very often.

Big fanfare and they reopened just before Christmas, not only had it been revamped it is a different chain called Limelight with another one west of Brisbane and a third in a suburb that we used to live in Canberra.

We went to see A man called Otto today starring Tom Hanks as well as his son, who played the younger Otto. Good movie, bit of a feel good one in the end.

Seats are comfortable and lot of leg room, Tuesday is the cheaper day to go and it was $19.

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