Monday 23 August 2021

Time and temp.

 We bought a clock for the dining/family room a few years ago and it told the time as a normal clock then underneath, it had a display of the date and temperate.

Well, like the normal run of things it buggared up and didnt work anymore. Out in the bin it went and I searched for a similar one, of course we couldnt find one so I bought an ordinary wall clock but I really missed the date and temp right there in front of me.

One day I had a light bulb moment, go through ebay. Yep, I found one under $50 so ordered it. It arrived and its electric, whoops didnt check that out. Also it lit up with a very bright blue light. We knew that we couldnt put that in the family area as it would light the place up once the other lights were out.

It has been put into my sewing room up the passage and the door has to be shut at night so we dont see the blue glow.

Warren went searching for a clock and this is what he come up with

It was smaller than he thought but it sits on a bookcase in the lounge, I can see it from the bed if the door is open and thankfully no glaring lights.

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