Sunday 22 August 2021

They're a weird mob.

 Title of a book and a movie that we had both read and seen years ago. However we were looking fir something to watch the other day while we had lunch and a bit of a vege out in front of the TV. 

This movie came up and so we decided to watch it again.

Even though we knew what was coming it was still funny.

Its about an Italian man coming to Australia not long after the war finished and while he speaks English, he certainly doesnt speak Australian!

Most if us dont speak like that either now but we knew what was meant. 

Two coppers put him in a taxi and told to go to the hotel where he was booked, when they got there Nino asked what place it was and the taxi driver said "Kings bloody Cross" and that was what he referred to it as until a few months later, someone informed him that it was only Kings Cross and bloody was a swear word.

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