Tuesday 17 August 2021


 A small little known town north of Toowoomba, we went there on Saturday. An event was planned last month but because of lock down we couldnt attend. Some people who were unaffected could and did go and a second gathering was arranged for this month.

There is an Art gallery, although closed when we were there, coffee shops, public school railway musuem, usual shops at least one large church plus pub.

We mainly drove around the outskirts and discovered several old school sites. Nothing left of them except a sign in the shape of a school bell stating the name of the school and the years it had operated. One I took note of was 1911 to 1958, I guess there were more kids then and little roads to get town for school.

Along side of the church was a biblical garden, quite a large area to wander through with several mosaics dotted around.


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