Sunday 29 August 2021

Square to Rectangle

 I like doing tge c2c rugs but they are came out squares.

Which yes, they are designed that way but surely there was a way to make them rectangle. I tried something that I thought would work, it didnt. I spoke about my problem at crochet class, our tutor wasnt there last week and no obe else had done it but thought there had to be a way.

Warren took Lucy walking on Friday morning instead of going to tennis so I plonked myself in front of the TV and called up youtube, rectangle c2c. 

Of course there was tutorial! Simple, jyst decrease on one side regardless and increase on the other. They did suggest using a marker to show which side was which.

This was what I had acheived by Friday night, the orange marker is bottom left. This is designed to be a used up the bits blanket.

Monday 23 August 2021

Time and temp.

 We bought a clock for the dining/family room a few years ago and it told the time as a normal clock then underneath, it had a display of the date and temperate.

Well, like the normal run of things it buggared up and didnt work anymore. Out in the bin it went and I searched for a similar one, of course we couldnt find one so I bought an ordinary wall clock but I really missed the date and temp right there in front of me.

One day I had a light bulb moment, go through ebay. Yep, I found one under $50 so ordered it. It arrived and its electric, whoops didnt check that out. Also it lit up with a very bright blue light. We knew that we couldnt put that in the family area as it would light the place up once the other lights were out.

It has been put into my sewing room up the passage and the door has to be shut at night so we dont see the blue glow.

Warren went searching for a clock and this is what he come up with

It was smaller than he thought but it sits on a bookcase in the lounge, I can see it from the bed if the door is open and thankfully no glaring lights.

Sunday 22 August 2021

They're a weird mob.

 Title of a book and a movie that we had both read and seen years ago. However we were looking fir something to watch the other day while we had lunch and a bit of a vege out in front of the TV. 

This movie came up and so we decided to watch it again.

Even though we knew what was coming it was still funny.

Its about an Italian man coming to Australia not long after the war finished and while he speaks English, he certainly doesnt speak Australian!

Most if us dont speak like that either now but we knew what was meant. 

Two coppers put him in a taxi and told to go to the hotel where he was booked, when they got there Nino asked what place it was and the taxi driver said "Kings bloody Cross" and that was what he referred to it as until a few months later, someone informed him that it was only Kings Cross and bloody was a swear word.

Tuesday 17 August 2021


 A small little known town north of Toowoomba, we went there on Saturday. An event was planned last month but because of lock down we couldnt attend. Some people who were unaffected could and did go and a second gathering was arranged for this month.

There is an Art gallery, although closed when we were there, coffee shops, public school railway musuem, usual shops at least one large church plus pub.

We mainly drove around the outskirts and discovered several old school sites. Nothing left of them except a sign in the shape of a school bell stating the name of the school and the years it had operated. One I took note of was 1911 to 1958, I guess there were more kids then and little roads to get town for school.

Along side of the church was a biblical garden, quite a large area to wander through with several mosaics dotted around.


Tuesday 10 August 2021

Lock down projects

 An eight day lock down called with only six hours notice, the shortest notice yet. I could have sat at home and binge watched Netflix or the Olympics. 

I decided to get my bum into gear and do something. Warren took over the walking of Lucy so each morning I would do whatever house work needed to be done. Morning tea was taken outside and then I spent a couple of hours sewing. 

I also undertook to declutter a drawer or cupboard each dear. Only at lunch time did we watch any Olympics.

Quite chuffed with my results. Tidy cupboards with some junk tossed out.

Two quilts and about a dozen drawstring bags made for charity plus completed one blanket and a whole one during the eight days.


Sunday 8 August 2021


 We got our letter last week and then I heard on the news that we didnt need to wait until census night, Tuesday 10 August. 

Warren didn't realise we had the received the notification so then it was where is that letter. Phew, found it, although in the meantime, I discovered that we could apply for a second number. There was a tracking number on the letter.

Warren decided to start it while I was getting dinner, he handed it to me to do my bit about education and work, then he finished it off, took about thirty minutes all up and painless.

 Done and dusted for another five years.

Thursday 5 August 2021

Chico rolls

 Todays lunch. Usually these are available at service stations while on the road. First time I had ever seen them to buy frozen. Last time I went grocery shopping I saw them on special and as I know Warren likes them, I bought a packet.

They were "invented/designed" not sure what or how to describe it by Frank someone in Bendigo, a small city in Victoria. He wanted something substantial that one could eat with one hand. Why that particular thing I dont know.

He fashioned the Chico after the spring roll and consists of cabbage, carrot, celery in a thick pastry type outer. My favourite part is the outer.

Even included the packets that they are served in.

Tuesday 3 August 2021

Home made pasties

 I was going to make these to take on our family bike ride in Sunday. When that was cancelled, I left the mixture until yesterday.

I had some steak in tge freezer and minced it in my thermo, added a packet of frozen mixed vegetables and three eggs.

Made sixteen altogether, I cooked them all on three trays in the airfryer, so easy.

Today and yesterday' lunch and some are in the freezer.

Monday 2 August 2021

Sign of the times.


Warren came home from walking Lucy and told me that it was no fun sneezing while wearing a mask. With our new restrictions stating " masks must be worn at all times outside your driveway". So we need to wear masks when exercising.

We both prefer the cloth masks bought from the chemist so it was in hot soapy water and bleach. Once washed and rinsed, I hung them in the window to dry. 

I have washed them and paper ones in with our usual washing and that works.