Tuesday 21 July 2020

Last week it was the swap of ovens.

I was thinking of a counter top small oven probably something like an air fryer. We were heading out as it was house cleaner day but it was raining so I suggested we go and look at one.

Only a couple in the stores and they were more like a toaster oven, not what I wanted at all. Warren said that we really needed to upgrade the oven and stove top.

Two hours later, we had bought both, got given a discount of both which was a surprise but who am I to knock back a $150 discount? The stove top was floor stock as it was the only one left. Also arranged the installation.
Old one.
New one. There is a drawback that we have discovered. The knobs are black which I like but at night, they are hard to see. Warren says he will paint the ridge white or silver so I can see what temp to dial up.

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