Monday 6 July 2020

A visit with Duncan.

Who the heck is Duncan?  Well, I discovered that Duncan or Lieutenant Duncan to give him him full title was the first guy to alight at Anzac Cove.
He seemed to be a small man and reminded me of three of my uncles who were a similar size and height. The fourth brother, who was the second born was over six foot and quite broad, the other three were around five foot four or five.

Back to Duncan, there are replicas of boats in the background posing as flower beds. At the base of them up to his statue are footsteps. Closest to the boat, they are quite deep showing that he jumped into the sand. I guess, reasonably simple to do but I was amazed at the detail. Around the area were stones with amplifier telling the stories of the landing etc. On one path, there was gun fire and sounds of marching which made Lucy move as far away as she could get from the noise.

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