Friday 10 July 2020

Fish and chips at the beach

I met my small group of friends at the park earlier this week. It was really nice sitting in the sun and chatting. It was lunchtime when I got home and I suggested to Warren that we should do F&C at the beach.

He was agreeable so off we went minus Lucy. We have often taken her but when seats need cordoned off and separated it can be difficult with her.

I parked at the small takeaway and once we had our white paper package we headed to the small park overlooking the beach. To our surprise, there were kids mucking in the water. They were having a whale of a time, in the water and throwing wet sand at each other.

I was surprised at the cost of the fish and chips, $34. We didn't like we had ordered very much but it was too much to eat and heated up became our dinner as well with a salad.
 Blue skies and sun plus I didn't have to cook.

This guy was just asking for his photo to be taken.

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