Saturday 11 July 2020

Bunya park zoo

That was what I knew it as forty years ago. That is terrible that I can say things like that, where did that time go.
Anyway we went a few days ago and it is now called Bunya park nursery. Not sure why although there were a few workers around, maybe they grow plants to sell at retail outlets.

It was a small zoo with animals set over a few acres, dirt paths set out and a couple of suspension bridges to walk over. I remember a bird enclosure that was about four metres high with the double gates, that is still there but now houses frigs in bathtubs and called Frog hollow.

It was nice to walk along the paths and it had a nice earthy smell. One area was a fairy garden, lots of kids in there and we saw small fairy doors on trees. We headed in the other direction but I was taken by a tree.
And then there was the bubbling brook, I was standing on the suspension bridge to take it.

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