Saturday 21 December 2019

A busy morning.

I feel as though I have done a full days work and a bit more but it not even lunchtime yet. Close but not yet.

Park run this morning, last one for the year, many people dressed up, hats, Christmas tshirts, stripey socks and frilly skirts.
Lucy and I walked halfway along the path before taking to the streets.

Home for a break and cold drink, then loaded up the trailer for a tip run. Needed the trailer to collect a bbq that Warren bought.

Collected a cache after getting the bbq, it should have been a quick park and grab but coords were out by about 25 metres, thank goodness it was in a park and therefore mainly in shade. Nailed it with a friend's help who had put in the correct co ords.

Fuel light had come on so filled the car on the way home, loaded and now resting. Golf to watch at lunch and after can't see much other work being done.

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