Monday 30 December 2019

Dinner with a difference

We worked on projects yesterday morning, Warren dealing with photographs and I was finished a quilt. That done, lunch and a sleep, we seemed to be at a loss, our projects were done.

I suggested a drive, Warren said he wanted to go somewhere where he could get a banana split/sundae. In the too hard basket at 4pm on a Sunday afternoon. Our favourite restaurant was closed, although they were opening for dinner at 5pm.

I checked their menu online as although we have eaten there a few times, we had not had their desserts.   No banana sundaes anywhere.

I offered to go and buy what was needed, luckily the supermarket were I shop, is open on a Sunday. They used to close early but it has changed hands a few months ago

Off we toodle and this was the result and our sole thing for dinner.
Warren had three scoops of ice cream, I made mine with two, one banana, four strawberries, handful of berries and topping.

Friday 27 December 2019

A trip to the beach

It was a cool day on Christmas eve so we went for a drive to the beach, to find where the park run would be held on Christmas day which Warren thought he would do.
Lucy ready to go.
Walking along the foreshore, couldn't walk on the actual beach as dogs are not allowed, but there is a concrete path and then further up the rise is another path running along the road. We have been here countless times, for lunch or whatever and I did not know that there was a pool between the road and beach, they even have lifeguards.
We walked down to the jetty then went up to the shops to get a coffee, Lucy got a kids ice cream as she won't drink while we are out, she enjoyed that though. Starting to warm up as we left the beach and headed home.
Rained aga

Cats the movie

Warren an d I went to see this movie. I enjoyed it, Warren not so much.
It was interesting to pick out the big stars and there were plenty of those. It was done in all song and dance with some of the original songs.

All in cat costume all the time with twiching ears and tails. I thought Rebel Wilson played a good part, def her role was one of being the comedian.

It only opened yesterday, boxing day, we went to the earliest session to avoid the crowds and it was very busy when we came out. Had  morning tea then Warren decided that he needed a new table tennis bat and while I didnt want anything, I ended up buying a tshirt in a khaki colour as I have a pair of pants that colour and nothing to match them. Shirt cost me $2.75.

Wednesday 25 December 2019

Towels animal take two.

On the daily "What on today" paper was "meet the staff and their special skills" or something like that.

We decided to wander along and see what it was about.

Well, this was animals on an upscale.
This is Flor with his camel, there is a snail to the right and a kangaroo and Joey behind.
Someone else had done the crocodile in the front.
There were about twenty or so staff and every animal was different. Goodness knows how many towels went into some of the bigger one.

The very last was wheeled on and it was the cruise ship.

Tuesday 24 December 2019

Towels animals

A couple of times we came back to our room on the ship to find our room cleaned and bed made plus an extra animal in residence.
An elephant was the first one but I didn't take a photo and the next day our elephant had changed to a hanging monkey.

Our two stewards Flor and Cesear were often in the corridor outside our room when we left it as the linen room was opposite our room. Very friendly guys always on for a chat but between them, they had 34 rooms to service so they did work long hours.

Sunday 22 December 2019


Afternoon tea, we did share it though.
This was from the New Zealand Ice creamy which was on board, as a paid treat.
We also had a cocktail each one night at the theatre. Warren went for the toblerone, I had a taste, it was very creamy and chocolatey.
Mine was called a fruit tingle, a fruity taste.
 The shower were very good and we were lucky enough to have two dance groups on board. One was finishing up and then taking a break and the new group had just gone onboard and each troupe did three nights each with a comedian on the seventh night. The shows lasted about 45 minutes and most were performed twice on the same night.  No photos or video were allowed during the acts. 

Saturday 21 December 2019

A busy morning.

I feel as though I have done a full days work and a bit more but it not even lunchtime yet. Close but not yet.

Park run this morning, last one for the year, many people dressed up, hats, Christmas tshirts, stripey socks and frilly skirts.
Lucy and I walked halfway along the path before taking to the streets.

Home for a break and cold drink, then loaded up the trailer for a tip run. Needed the trailer to collect a bbq that Warren bought.

Collected a cache after getting the bbq, it should have been a quick park and grab but coords were out by about 25 metres, thank goodness it was in a park and therefore mainly in shade. Nailed it with a friend's help who had put in the correct co ords.

Fuel light had come on so filled the car on the way home, loaded and now resting. Golf to watch at lunch and after can't see much other work being done.

Friday 20 December 2019

Alotau PNG

Our first port of call was Alotau which is in the Eastern coast of PNG. There were several tours on offer and I selected the Cultural Festival tour while Warren went on the Milne Bay tour which was looking at where some of our service personnel were stationed in WW 2.

I was leaving first, my tour was at 9am and I had to be at the cinema, fifteen minutes beforehand on deck 7, our room was on deck 5 so not that far except the we didnt know where the cinema exactly was but we figured we could find it as the ship wasn't that big.

Only had a few minutes wait when we were taken off the ship from deck three and invited to get on an island bus. The buses were air conditioned by having the windows open. We travelled around the coast and into a gated area.

There were markets set up under the shade of trees as it was getting rather warm by then, we saw dancers getting their makeup and costumes on as we drove in.
 These kids were all boys aged from about six to fourteen, it was quite a fierce warrior type dance.
A couple of kids were sitting front of me, they were about six and seven and their grandmother was one of these ladies. The young girl said that she had done the dance but not today.
These dancers were there when the ship docked and were still there when I came back from my tour two hours later. Buses delivered people out and then it was just a matter of waiting to catch a return bus when we were finished.

I bought a sarong as I loved the colours and also a tea towel that I want framed. Stall holders would chat but they weren't pushy which was nice.

Thursday 19 December 2019


There were several trivia times on the ship and we did two or three of them. Didnt disgrace ourselves but also didn't win at any time.
Had to buy a coffee at the cafe after. The coffee at the buffet was very strong, out of a machine. We would get a cup with white coffee and divide it into two cups, top Warren's up with milk and mine with hot water, only way we could drink it. Cost to buy was $4 A large cup, so easy to hand over the card which operated money and door entry.
One morning after trivia, it was sudoku, Only allowed ten minutes to complete. Warren grabbed a sheet but twenty minutes later he gave up and we watched the water instead.
Check out the colour of the water, the streak is on the window, it was interesting watching the lone bird fishing. 

Wednesday 18 December 2019


It was fascinating to watch the tug boats working to move the ship around.
Then we went for lunch.
Later that night we went for a stroll around the deck.
We walked the decks after each meal and used the stairs where possible, at least going down.
It was 500 metres around deck six which was the only one that it was possible to walk around the way around.
Deck 12 also had a walking track but that was open air and both ends were blocked and a basketball, court on one side.

Sunday 15 December 2019

Kiriwana Island

This was the second port of call and no tours here. The ship asked people who only wanted to go for a short time to not go across until 11am. The ship had docked at eight and we thought that 11am would be very hot and so we stayed on board.

I enjoyed a coffee with a Danish pastry out on the deck of the pool reading my book.
Comfy seats.
The tenders or life boats going back and forth, they only used three, it was about fifteen minutes across to the jetty, they held 70 people.

The sea had great colours. We were there for nine hours.

Thursday 5 December 2019

Cruising down the River

Today is day one of our cruise. You know it's going to be a good day when everything starts to fall into place.

My suitcase was a bit full so I repacked it and took two things out, one jacket and a tube of muscle stuff, I figured that Warren is not going to be playing tennis so I wont need to massage the knots out of his legs. Just those two things made quite a difference or maybe it was the better care/folding that I did.

House sitter arrived a few minutes early and we did a handover, Lucy was beside herself and she thinks Jordan is pretty special so she was happy.

Caught the shuttle bus from carpark, its not that far but with luggage in the middle of the day, we took the bus.

Lady couldn't find us on the computer so she searched by name and we have another cabin on the same floor, it was an upgrade we now have a window.

Lunch was a bit busy, Warren had fish and chips and I had mussels and prawns in a white sauce. They weren't scrolling on the coffee, it was far too strong for me to drink so I will be sticking to water.

Just heading out now and we are under the bridge.

Warren's bag went Mia for awhile and I had to find reception to I'd id it but not there, our steward found it, it had been delivered to the old room. At least I got my steps up and we are very close to the buffet, except its six flights up. Will be taking the lifts up and the stairs down.

Tuesday 3 December 2019

Summer blooms

A regular walk that Lucy and I take and suddenly I noticed that a bush is out in flower.
Along the creek path yesterday trees were out in blossom as well. As we have been having very hot weather, it does seem unusual but the flowers do give off a light perfume making it very pleasant.

Monday 2 December 2019

Brunette Heads

Pretty little village we were stayed a few weeks ago.
This was in the main street. A first sight I thought it was a butterfly but it appears to be a man's body with wings so I am assuming that they do paragliding there, maybe?

Not five minutes walk away I took the next pic.

Teddy bears

I found a pattern the other day for crochet teddy bears, they are very much like the knitted ones that I have made. The face and eyes are sewn on and they are pretty quick to do.
They are crocheted in one piece and then sewn together, after the first one, the green, I left long tails of wool when I started a new colour, then it was easy to sew up using the tails. They are supposed to be ten inches tall. I will make a couple using a bigger hook therefore making them a little bigger. These took about two nights to completr, I only crochet when relaxing in front of the Tv at night.