Monday 14 October 2019

Dingo fence

We had to go a bit out of our way to find the dingo fence and through a gate. It was a typical cockys gate with wire twitching together to hold it closed. 

Great scenery when we got there plus a small wallaby watching us from the shade of a tree. I did take a photo but because of his colour and the shade it is nigh on impossible to see him, he was still there when we came back down the rise again twenty minutes later.

There was a small shelter at the top with info boards, 33 metres away was a cache, that had been unloved (not found) in two years. I think it was the description of the road that had put people off going to find it. It was a little rough, dirt and a few pot holes but we had both driven on much worse roads.
A very easy find and a large one at that, bonus.

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