Tuesday 15 October 2019

Chook racing at Tambo

On the Saturday we drove into Tambo, famous for a few things, one more recent is Tambo Teddies which was started by three women in the district. They stayed open for us to go through and they may have made some sales but not from me. I'm sure they are beautiful but at between $150 and $180 per teddies, I wasnt going to buy one. We spent quite a bit of time at the cafe before retiring to the pub for the racing and dinner.

Bens racing chickens and Ben is a real saleman, he could sell ice to Eskimos but it was all in good fun and half the money went back to the winner and the other half to the Flying Doctors.

Aidan loves green and one chook was called Frankenhen and was green. There was Black Betty, Apricot chicken, Pinkbits and plain white one a group of four nicknamed chicken dinners.

Ben explained the how and why, they are washed, massaged and coloured with food dye every eight weeks and fed very well but they followed a car with treats in it to determine the winner.
Here is some of the chickens and the remote car.

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