Sunday 13 October 2019

An Art Trail

We didnt go on the art trail last year so that was something that we wanted to do this time around.

It certainly didnt disappoint. Not sure how many there are but the trail itself is around 200kms starting at Armarac, not sure of the spelling there. It is a tiny place and famous for Captain Starlight stealing a herd of cattle including a small white bull.
First one and I wasnt overly impressed with this one but they got better very quickly.
 An emu and three chicks, motor bike petrol tanks made up the bodies of the chicks, she uses scrap metal to make them.
There were two similar but the second one was the horseman on a cliff and my first thought was The man from Snowy River.  We were driving and I didnt snap a photo of the second one.
My favourite.

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