Thursday 5 September 2019

Summer colds.

Its probably been two years since I came down with a cold but today is the day! Great! I guess it could be worse without having the flu shot but I hate feeling under the weather.

Felt a bit woody headed last night so had a hot shower and made a hot lemon drink, went to bed and didnt feel too bad.

Crochet class today so went along to that and my nose started to run about half way through class, by then, my head was starting to feel woody again. I had a couple of things that I was going to do on the way home but all I managed was to get a few groceries. Even bought two prepared meals so I doubted I will feel like cooking dinner.

Grabbed a hot coffee and went to bed, think I did have a short sleep. Another hot shower which does seem to clear my head and vegeing on the couch watching a dvd. Hopefully this is as bad as it gets.

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