Wednesday 29 May 2019

Shepherds Pie

This was often on the menu when I was a kid. We didnt go along the lines of a roast for Sunday dinner but when we did have roast lamb or it was either hogget or mutton and therefore bigger, shepherds pie was cooked to finish up the roast.

Most people use mince now to make it but traditionally the meat was minced up cold roast.

We had roast lamb Sunday night, a rarity but I had seen a small roast for $11 and thought it was too good to miss. Damn, it was $11 a kilo, the meat was actually $17 but we did have three dinners and a couple of sandwiches from it so not too bad.

Tonight, I cut up the rest of the meat finely, Lucy gratefully received the bone for her dinner, added some mushrooms and bacon with some left over pasta sauce. Cauliflower rice on top with grated cheese over it.

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