Sunday 19 May 2019


This weekend we attended our first of three footy games. We left home early which was just as well because the free buses from the station were nowhere to be seen. Thank goodness for mobile phones so we could look up where they were, no mentionof plan changes were in the packets we received from the AFL.

Walking to the new venue pick up, we saw another couple, the guy was wearing a footy jumper, when asked they were heading to pick up the bus where we had just left. We opted to grab an Uber for the four of us and were dropped off outside the grounds. Three of the four of us were born in South Australia, the opposition team was from there and they were going to catch the same train home as us, they lived in the next suburb.

We left them at the ticket booth as we had prepaid tickets to go into gate two and they had to purchase their tickets.

Great venue very green.
 The Lions mascot on the big screen, there are two massive screens at either end of the oval.
Then the banner for the players to run through. The cooment is to do with the election day.
Nice day out and of course we had to have a pie at half time even though it doesnt quite fit with how we are eating these days but its "law" as Warren said to eat a pie when at the footy.

The Lions led all day and got a bit tired towards the end and there was a goal scored in the dying moments of the game, ending in the results of Lions winning by one point, last few minutes were very nail biting.

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