Wednesday 22 May 2019

Knitted Blankets

Finished putting my blanket together today. I knitted this one a little different to save me some time and hopefully look better. The other two that I have knitted this year has been done as squares and then stitched together. Squares are 7 inches by nine inches and final measurement is 45 inches by 54 inches. The pattern I started on did the measurements in inches so just easier to continue using them.
I used two colours mixed with white to give a thicker texture.
Odds and sods balls of wool for the second one.
I decided to get thicker wool, 12 ply for the next one, however I didnt order enough so I went to Spotlight and bought similar colours. Made it by knitting ten inches wide and twelve inches long then changing wool, I made four panels, this one is 40 inches by 48 inches. Would love to crochet around the edges but its so long since I did any crocheting so think I will leave it as it is.
I will deliver them to the charity in the next few days.

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